It’s Been a Long, Tough Winter – What Does This Mean for Roof Repairs?

Apr 17, 2023 | Roof Repair

Close up of shingle on a roof
After a long, harsh winter, many homeowners are left wondering what impact the winter weather has had on their roofs. As a roofing contractor, we know that winter weather can take a toll on even the sturdiest roofs. In this blog, we’ll explore what the winter weather can mean for roof repairs and what homeowners should look out for.


Ice Dam Damage

One of the most common winter weather-related issues we see is damage caused by ice dams. Ice dams occur when snow melts on the roof and refreezes at the edges, causing a dam of ice to form. This can trap water on the roof, leading to leaks and water damage. If you notice water stains on your ceiling or walls, it’s essential to contact a roofing contractor as soon as possible to assess the damage and make the necessary repairs.


Shingle Damage

Winter weather can also cause damage to your roof shingles. Heavy snow and ice buildup can put pressure on your shingles, causing them to crack, split, or even break off. Additionally, extreme temperature changes can cause your shingles to expand and contract, leading to damage over time. If you notice missing or damaged shingles on your roof, contact a roofing contractor to assess the damage and make the necessary repairs.


Gutter Damage

Another common winter weather-related issue is damage to your gutters. Heavy snow and ice buildup can put pressure on your gutters, causing them to pull away from the roof or even break off. Additionally, freezing and thawing cycles can cause your gutters to expand and contract, leading to damage over time. If you notice any damage to your gutters, contact a roofing contractor to assess the damage and make the necessary repairs.



After a long, tough winter, it’s essential to have your roof inspected by a reputable roofing contractor. Winter weather can cause a range of issues, including ice dam damage, shingle damage, and gutter damage. If you notice any signs of damage or wear and tear, contact a roofing contractor as soon as possible to assess the damage and make the necessary repairs. Remember, a well-maintained roof is an investment in your home’s safety, comfort, and value.